How we can help you…

The Products
  • Excellent range to meet market requirements – products in demand
  • Competitive prices – better margins or lower overheads
  • Extensive range – provides more solutions for your requirement
  • Quality – confidence in your purchasing decision
The Supply
  • Large inventory at our own premises – stock delivered when you want it
  • Quick delivery (often next day) – reduces your stock and solves urgent requirements
  • Centrally situated in the Midlands – accessible for collections
  • Low minimum order quantities – can meet sample shipment requirements to test new products in the market
The Service
  • Staff with more than 25 years’ experience, who understand your needs – providing solutions to your problems
  • Flexible with customisation or ordering to your requirement – providing bespoke solutions
  • Professional, efficient and friendly – easy and enjoyable to deal with
  • Responsive with answers, prices & samples delivered quickly – helps you deliver the best service for your customers
  • Reliable (we do what we say) – gives you confidence and builds a good business partnership
If you are looking for further information on our products, download our brochure or
get in touch by email or phone 01926 482841